A lot has been said about global warming and “going green”. Our team has always been enthusiastic about reducing pollution, saving energy and water, but we always felt that’s not enough. So, we decided to try a more effective, down-to-earth, hands-on approach to doing something good for our planet. This weekend the SiteGround team planted over 400 trees and cleaned the surrounding area.
There were more than 50 of us – SiteGround employees, friends, kids and a dog. Our task was to plant willows along a riverbank. Willows help both the local eco balance and prevents collapsing of the riverbank. We also cleaned up the waste from the area. It was exhausting, it was cold and muddy, and it was great fun!
We trooped up in front of the entrance of a big cave and the local ranger briefed us how to use a shovel to dig a hole, how to plant a sapling, how to mold and water it. Then, we separated into groups and went to the spots where the actual work and fun began.
Some were lucky to be planting on nice and easy-to-dig earth and planted their saplings in no time. Others got spots where the riverbank was stony and the soil was very hard. One of the groups had to cross the river bare-footed to reach their sites.
The guys dug enthusiastically their first few holes, but then the passion started to fade and it was time to take the beer out of the trunks to keep us going! The girls did the planting and watered the newly-planted trees with water from the river. After lunch we regrouped and those who were done with their spots went to help those who picked up the short stick with the stony soil.
It was a hard day’s work that ended sooner than expected due to the pouring rain. Yet, we were quite proud with the result. We got home wet, exhausted, yet happy. And we immediately started planning when to do it again!
For us, that was just one small step for helping our planet. We are going to keep up with the green initiatives and think of ways of involving our customers and friends as well!
Comments ( 13 )
Sheryl James
Great job done guys, i agree with you guys that its a hard ob to plant a tree but when we see the future benefits to the atmosphere that make us feel really good. I appreciate your efforts for going green and would suggest not to stop it and keep on doing this great effort.
Nayith Díaz
Great to read about this, I'm very glad to know my hosting company is well aware of the impact on the environment as well having causes to address the carbon footprint by the services you provide. I look forward to know more in regards of this matter as I am proud to mention my customers that our services are being handled with harmony with the world we live in.
Mike de Laat
Hi Siteground, It would be great if Siteground would "Partner Up" with "The Green Web Foundation"... right now the domains I registered don't smile 'green'. Keep up the good work!
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Thanks for the recommendation, I will pass it on to my colleagues, responsible for these matters.
Any update of connection to the Green web Foundation? I want to transfer my hosting and a selling Point to my customers is a Green label. Sadly SG is grey
Angelina Micheva
Edgar, It is great you are committed to being green and you are considering recommending our service to your clients. We see efficiency as one area where we can influence our impact on the environment directly. We constantly work on increasing efficiency and performance of our servers so that we minimise server overhead and reduce carbon footprint.
I'm not seeing anything on your website about the environmental standards (going green) of the operations and data centers themselves. Do you do anything to utilize green energy, green building materials, etc?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
We don't have such page on our website yet but we're planing ot creatiing it soon :) We don't own data centers ourselves but we work only with companies that have high environmental standards. That's one of the reasons organizations like Greenpeace for example choose us for their hosting needs.
Jason Eldridge
i'd like to see that page up... if we are using your servers many of our target market are green focused and we would like to have good news for them
Robin Ridley
Here's another vote for a page that outlines all of your efforts in the eco-friendly realm. I'd like to switch to SiteGround for all my web hosting needs, but would much prefer to see that in place first. Any updates?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
We're currently redesigning big parts of the site and that page will be part of the new design. Unfortunatelly, can't give you an ETA when it will be ready.
Hi, Do your servers use 100% renewable energy like the Google ones? I'd love to see a page that highlights your efforts. Like the above comments, we are eco-focused and renewable energy seems like an easy win.
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
We do not own data centers but we use providers, who do their best to use renewalble energy.
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