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WordPress powers over a whopping 40% of the web. That’s an awful lot of websites—and also…
The question “how to secure a website” might seem daunting at first. With terms like HTTPS,…
The internet can often feel like the Wild West—a vast frontier filled with opportunities but also…
When it comes to your website, security should be one of your biggest priorities. Cyberattacks are…
Back in May, we shared the news that PHP 8.2 is becoming the default version for…
Managing multiple websites while turning a passion for travel into a business, our client Sean Hodge…
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At SiteGround, we proudly embrace our reputation as "security freaks" – we continually enhance our infrastructure,…
On your journey to a more successful online presence, there's one essential step you should never…
At SiteGround, we always take proactive measures to identify and address potential vulnerabilities promptly. This was…
As a leading provider of web hosting services, at SiteGround we continually strive to offer the…
In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, it's not unusual to encounter new challenges. Recently, a novel…
Picture this: a lively party, a toddler's bedtime routine, a road trip – this is what…