It’s been a while since I’ve written anything in the blog, actually 4 months… and oh my, those were some busy 4 months. But today I want to share the excitement of the successful completion of one of the big projects that kept me occupied recently – the move of the SiteGround HQ to a new office space. A little less than a year after we moved our customer service office, SiteGround HQ now has a new home too. And this is not just a new building – it is a place that has been created to open new opportunities and to inspire the creativity of our team even further. Below you can see some pictures and read how I envision the new office will help us work better!
Because in some cases the size matters!
The old office has become small and this was not only uncomfortable, it was preventing us from doing some things better. Now by moving to a bigger space we have several new opportunities to improve the work of our team:
- For example, in the old office we had just one conference hall, meaning that if it was occupied for a meeting or, even worse, for a several day training, all other meetings needed to be held outside the office on lunches or within the working rooms – which was rather inconvenient for the guys around trying to work. Now we have a huge hall for 100 people and 6 smaller conference halls including a video conferencing room. So multiple simultaneous meetings can be held and as we all know without free discussions no great ideas can be born or carried out!
- I have also wanted for some time now to hire several new people as this would have greatly speeded up new product development and apps integration. But this was hardly achievable in the old office, as there was simply not enough space for new working stations. Now that we moved, I’m finally able to enlarge the team. We have already started the interviews for some of the positions that include Product Development Managers, Web Developers and Designers, QAs etc. So watch out for the great new projects we will soon start to roll over!
- Another thing that I was not able to do in the old office was to invite over some of the many cool people we partner with or meet. Now I hope many of the people I admire will be willing to come along and share their knowledge with us. Allowing as many people from the team as possible to meet some of the greatest minds in the industry in our own office is something that will enrich all of us and help us to provide you with the best practices! Our first Guest Star is coming next week, so stay tuned for more info who he is 🙂
But size is definitely not everything!
As you read above the bigger size of the office gives us many new opportunities, but what is even more important is that each detail in the new office was carefully thought over to make the team feel comfortable and to inspire creativity. Since our offices has always been something like a second home for a big part of our employees, including myself, I’ve always wanted it to be very cool, relaxed and comfortable place to work at. And our old office was nothing like that… I mean the cool, relaxed and cozy part. It still felt like home for most of us 🙂 But now everything was made especially for the SiteGround team, having our needs, personal interests and the company philosophy in mind:
- Each department space is designed to accommodate the needs of the people working there: the marketing space is inviting for discussions, the technical team space is allowing better focus on your personal work and the developer’s space is close to the beer tab:).. well actually this is not true, as the beer tab is in the kitchen 🙂 but maybe in the next office :)…
- We have a big recreation area allowing people to play the already world-famous Zombie darts game, table tennis and many more games and to build even further the great team spirit that makes SiteGround what it really is – one of the friendliest hosting companies!
- The design of the office is in line with our new idea for re-branding of the website too, which is in progress and is another great thing we will be surprising you with some time soon
Finding the right place for the SiteGround HQ and preparing it was hard. It cost me a lot of nerves and a few sleepless nights. But it was well worth it. I felt like I have achieved what I aimed for when I read a comment under the office pictures I posted on FaceBook by an ex-SiteGround employee: “this is a truly inspiring space!”
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Comments ( 6 )
really glad to hear this, forgot to mention the great guys who helped you with it :)
Apart for data center, of what use is getting a large space with limited staff? Spend more on infrastructure rather than paying more on rent.
Hristo Siteground Team
Jeb, you are completely right that the infrastructure is the most important thing for a hosting company and it requires much more investment than anything else. We have never seized to improve our infrastructure and just few recent examples are the move of the US based servers to a new data center and the opening of locations in Europe and Singapore. Even with the new space the office rent is less than one tenth of what we pay for the servers your sites are hosted on.
Looks absolutely brilliant! As you mentioned, a good working environment makes for happy staf == happy customers! Congratulations on the new move. (Ignore the nay-sayers and trolls. Unlike you and me, they've never run a business, so what do they know...)
Kenneth Oronsaye
Hello all, Just to say thanks for all your good work at siteground. Really, I have only used siteground for a few months and I already feel the softness of their customer services, I also love the new looks of the site and how it blends with cpanel. Sitaground is a real model to me now. I hope that someday I would be able to offer my customers in the kind of fast and effective services I have enjoyed from siteground in the past months. Well done ALL
Just curious where you're new HQ office is located as I don't see that bit of info mentioned anywhere. Thanks and congrats on the new move. :-)
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