[UPDATED: Winners announced] FREE tickets for Joomla! and WordPress conferences in March
Sadly enough though, WordCamp Slovakia did not sound as much tempting to our customers from Slovakia and so far no one has claimed a free ticket for this event. You still have time, WordCamp Slovakia is this Saturday – March 17, and we still have the free tickets. If anyone is interested in attending – just leave a comment below. It is definitely going to be a worthy experience and you’ll be a proud visitor of the first ever WordCamp event in Slovakia.
And now – here are the lucky ones who are going to attend the other two events for free and will receive a special SiteGround t-shirt:
WordCamp San Diego – March 24-25, 2012
Eric Ramos
Danny Aguilar
Joomla!Day New England – March 31, 2012, Brattleboro, Vermont
Susan Thomas
Henry Rotzal
Helena Anderson
Andy Grant
Lori Grant
John Saltarelli
Dan Mooney
William Case
We hope they all have great time there! And finally – a personal message to the lucky winners: stay alert in San Diego and Brattleboro as we have sent a few more special gifts and giveaways at both events!
Just as we promised, we continue our initiative for sponsoring and giving away free tickets for Open Source community organized events. This initiative started last December when we had few free WordCamp tickets to give away and thought “why not give them to our customers, now that we can’t personally attend”. Initially, this wasn’t meant to become an ongoing project, but we did receive some great feedback from the people who attended the past events and no longer doubted if we should continue this. We learned that these events are a great opportunity for everyone, no matter how advanced user he/she is, to learn, network and gather new ideas and knowledge for the development of their own websites. And if there’s one thing we strongly believe in, it is that we should help our customers along every step of the way: from a quick sign up process, through an easy and straightforward web site build up, to future growth and development of their online presence. And what better opportunity to get new knowledge, inspiration and ideas than attending such events? On top of it – for free!
In the end of the day, we have at least two reasons to be happy and proud of: on one hand we’re helping the communities to grow by sponsoring the events, and on the other – we’re helping you – our customers to make a difference with your website!
Without any further ado, here are the events we’re proudly sponsoring and giving away free tickets for this March:
WordCamp Slovakia – March 17, 2012 – Zilina
WordCamp San Diego – March 24-25, 2012
Joomla!Day New England – March 31, 2012, Brattleboro, Vermont
As an addition to the free attendance, our free ticket winners will also receive custom SiteGround T-shirts designed especially for these events by our team. As we won’t be able to be present at those events, we hope that our lucky ticket winners will send us pictures and recaps of the events so that we can share with all of you! We are sure that you – our customers – will be a great SiteGround face to both the WordPress and Joomla! events!
Applying for a free ticket is a piece of cake – just leave a comment below specifying the event you’d like to attend, and we’ll get in touch with you for the details. If there are more people interested than the number of tickets we have, we will draw a lot, so that everyone has equal chance. The ticket winners will be announced in this blog post, so keep an eye on it!
SiteGround Events Ninja
Comments ( 2 )
Oooh wish I could go to Joomla!Day, since I'll be on vacation just a few hours away from there. But I think my friends would kill me if I sacrificed a day of our trip for "work" haha! Hope to see more Joomla!Day offers in the future.
Hah, Meg! Please don't make your friends angry :) There will be more Joomla!Day events within the next few months so hopefully we'll get you there! Cheers, Tina
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