We’re happy to announce that SiteGround is now one of the few companies selected by the Drupal Association to provide a hosted Drupal Demo! We’ve created a special free Drupal demo, that allows you to check out the great features in the application in a real hosting environment. Read more to find out what this demo has to offer and what we’ve done to make it work nice and smooth for you.
Easy Start with Drupal
The Drupal Demo gives you a fast and easy access to all the features of the Drupal CMS. Just fill in the short signup form, and you are ready to go. Once you press the big blue Start Demo button, you will get a fully-functional Drupal pre-installed on your account that you can modify, add your content, install modules and themes, and basically use the full power of the application.
Responsive Drupal Theme
The Drupal Demo installation comes with a fancy responsive theme, designed by SiteGround and free to use by all SiteGround clients, as well as a few modules on top of the default installation. The theme, created by our design team works great with the Panels module for Drupal. It allows you to easily create and modify your layouts and reorganize content simply using its drag-and-drop functionality.
Simply login to your new Drupal demo, open the page you want to edit and click on the Customize this Page link that will appear at the bottom. Once you do that, you will be able to move the different elements of the page and show them in the best possible way for your needs!
Powerful Drupal Management Tools
You can easily manage your Drupal through its fully-featured admin panel, or use the hosting account extras such as FTP, SSH and Drush (the powerful and super useful command-line interface designed especially for Drupal and pre-installed on your SiteGround hosting account). With those tools in hand, you can easily add, remove and modify your content.
It’s Completely Free
The great thing about this demo is that it’s absolutely free for 7 days. No credit card is required for the sign-up process. If you want to keep your Drupal site after the demo period is over, you can easily keep all your work by renewing your hosting account from your User area.
Comments ( 9 )
Thank you SiteGround! That was exactly what I was looking for.
Ana angel
This is really nice. I really appreciate your effort for sharing such useful articles. Thanks Ana
Nice to see Druapl things here as I could see only wrodpress and joomla names here when I had first come here...
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Doing our best!
Brad Nickel
Is this available in our hosting accounts?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
We've updated all Softaculous packages :)
Ana angel
This is really great siteground.
Wordpress next please if you could? I have to say would have like a free 7 day hosting on the standard plan as demo to test services across the board not just drupal!
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider it in the future!
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