How To Questions
What is Ultrafast PHP and how to enable it?

What is Ultrafast PHP and how to enable it?

Ultrafast PHP is a performance-boosting server setup developed by our DevOps Team, enhancing website speed up to 30%. Our clients may choose to switch between our Standard PHP setup and the Ultrafast PHP from their website’s control panel. The Ultrafast PHP is available for websites hosted in our GrowBig, GoGeek, and Cloud hosting plans and using our Site Tools control panel.

What are the benefits of the Ultrafast PHP setup?

The setup is really fast and efficient without compromising security as it has integrated our WAF and account isolation technologies. It provides

  • Faster page response: up to 50% drop in the TTFB (time to first byte), which will make your pages load faster than before.
  • Increased server capacity: the server will be able to process about 20-30% more requests, which means it will handle even better traffic spikes.
  • Lower server memory usage: up to a 15% drop in memory usage, which again vacates server resources for handling more of your traffic faster.
  • Expected overall performance improvement: currently, the Ultrafast PHP averages at being 30% faster than the Standard PHP setup.

How to enable Ultrafast PHP?

The Ultrafast PHP setup is enabled by default for all new websites created in hosting accounts with Site Tools. The setup of existing websites can be changed easily from Site Tools > Devs > PHP Manager > PHP Setup.

Enable Ultrafast PHP

The Ultrafast PHP setup works for websites running on PHP version 7.3 or higher.

If your website is on a StartUp hosting plan, you can access the Ultrafast PHP setup by upgrading to a higher plan.

How to change your PHP setup?

You can change your PHP setup through the PHP Manager. Bear in mind that Ultrafast PHP is only available on GrowBig, GoGeek, and Cloud plans.

Change PHP setup

You can learn more about the different PHP setups in the following section.

Ultrafast PHP vs Standard PHP

Ultrafast PHP

As we mentioned above, this PHP setup improves your website’s performance and server resource usage.

When switching to the Ultrafast PHP setup, all subdomains and folders of your site will inherit the PHP version and variables of the site’s primary domain and any differences in the settings will be overwritten.

Standard PHP

Standard PHP is slightly slower but allows for per instance PHP management. To allow for more customization and tweaking during development and testing, Standard PHP is the only available option for staging sites.

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