How to establish a SFTP connection to your website via Terminal?
To establish an SFTP connection to your account, first go to your Site Tools > Devs > SSH Keys Manager and generate a new SSH key pair.
Then under Manage SSH Keys, go to the kebab menu > Private Key. Copy the content of the text area, paste it in an empty file on your computer and save it. Change the permissions of the saved file to 600:
chmod 600 /Users/youruser/private_key
You should replace /Users/youruser/private_key with the location of your private key text file.
Next, load the SSH key to your ssh-agent with this command:
ssh-add /Users/youruser/private_key
You will be prompted for the key’s password that you used when you created it from Site Tools.
Now, to connect to the desired website via SFTP, open a new Terminal window and type in the following command:
sftp -P 18765 username@hostname
The username and hostname are the same as the SSH credentials, which are available in Site Tools > Devs > SSH Keys Manager. Under Manage SSH Keys, choose the key which was created earlier and go to the kebab menu > SSH Credentials.
N.B. During your first connection, you will be prompted to store the server’s fingerprint. Type “yes” if you plan to connect to the same server again.