Website Help
This is default server vhost. There is nothing here.

This is default server vhost. There is nothing here.

If you try to access your website by using it’s IP in your browser you may see only a message “This is default server vhost. There is nothing here.“.

This is because your website is using a shared IP address and that IP address is being used by other websites on the same server.

To be able to access your website via its IP, you should order a dedicated IP address. After the extra is activated your website will be accessible by typing its IP address in your browser.

Another reason for seeing this page would be if you have recently deleted your website and after creating it again you try to visit it. Your browser may resolve the domain name on the old website’s IP since it has cached the old DNS records and you may see that page. Allow up to 72 hours for the DNS propagation to complete and you should be able to see the website properly after.

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